Ministry of Agriculture - перевод на голландский
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Ministry of Agriculture - перевод на голландский

Department of Agriculture; Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; Ministry of Fisheries; Agriculture minister; Minister for the Marine; Minister for Agriculture; Ministry of Food; Department of agriculture; Minister for Rural Development; Minister of agriculture; Agriculture Department; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Minister of Agriculture; Ministry of agriculture; Ministry of Agriculture; Department Of Agriculture; Dept. of Agriculture; Minister of Fisheries; Farm minister; Board of Agriculture and Fisheries; Ministry of Agriculture and Food; Commissioner of Agriculture; Minister for Agriculture and Food; Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food; Agriculture ministries; Agriculture ministers; Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; Agriculture board; Agriculture boards; Agriculture departments; Agriculture council; Agriculture councils; Agricultural ministry; Agricultural ministries; Agricultural minister; Agricultural ministers; Agricultural department; Agricultural departments; Agricultural board; Agricultural boards; Agricultural council; Agricultural councils; Agriculture agency; Agriculture agencies; Agricultural agency; Agricultural agencies; Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture; Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture; Rural Development Minister; Agriculture ministry; List of agricultural ministries; Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources; Ministry of fisheries; Deputy Minister of Agriculture; Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

Ministry of Agriculture         
Ministerie van Landbouw
Ministry of Commerce and Industry         
Trade & Industry; Ministry of Commerce; Ministry of Foreign Trade; Ministry of Industry; Trade and Industry; Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism; Minister of Trade and Industry; Ministry of Trade and Industry (disambiguation); Ministry of Trade; Ministry of Trade (disambiguation); Minister of Industry and Commerce; Ministry of Commerce and Industry; Ministry of Industry and Commerce; Ministry of Industry and Supply; Ministry of Industries; Ministry of trade and industry
Ministerie van handel en industrie
Ministry of Labor         
Department of Labor; Department of Labour; Department Of Labor; Dept. of Labor; Ministry of Labor; Labor Department; Labour Department; Labor ministry; Departments of Labor; Labour ministry; Minister for Labour; Ministry of labor; Ministry of labour
Ministerie van Arbeid


·noun The business of cultivating land.
II. Farming · & ·vb.n. of Farm.
III. Farming ·adj Pertaining to agriculture; devoted to, adapted to, or engaged in, farming; as, farming tools; farming land; a farming community.


List of agriculture ministries

An agriculture ministry (also called an) agriculture department, agriculture board, agriculture council, or agriculture agency, or ministry of rural development) is a ministry charged with agriculture. The ministry is often headed by a minister for agriculture.

Specific duties may relate to regulation, promotion, agricultural research, price supports and agricultural subsidies, plant diseases, invasive species and the management of biosecurity. Some countries have multiple agriculture ministries, devoting entire ministries to more specific policy areas such as forestry and fisheries; rural affairs; food and food quality, security, and safety; consumer protection; and matters relating to the environment.

Примеры произношения для Ministry of Agriculture
1. with both the Ministry of Agriculture
Fighting Poverty with Data _ Lauren Hendricks _ Talks at Google
2. for the Ministry of Agriculture of Rwanda,
Примеры употребления для Ministry of Agriculture
1. Members of Indonesia‘s Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, U.S.
2. This is being held with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture.
3. The five–day event was held with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture.
4. Waragak Gatluak FaguirUnder Secretary for Agriculture in the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry 12 –Mr.
5. Participants included officials from the Saudi Customs, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Ministry of Agriculture and NCWCD.